Thursday 4 April 2024

Bad shower experiences are most often caused by poor hygiene

Even though it sounds strange, bad shower experiences can happen. Showers can be unpleasant and you may have experienced one before. However, you've become so used to it that it is now normal. Let's take a look at the common reasons that showers can be unpleasant. 

These are the causes:


Shower heads of low quality

Low water pressure

Bad drainage

Poor ventilation

Let's take a closer look at each of them, one at at a time

Shower leaks

It's a wonderful, but expensive, shower that you find it difficult to use. Leakage can cause all the benefits of a beautiful, fancy shower to disappear.

Leakage could occur for many reasons. A problem with the pipe could cause a leak. Another possibility is that the shower head is too hot or the enclosure isn't sealed properly, allowing water to escape.

Fixed Shower Head

Leakage of water can cause damage to walls and floors. The water can also cause tile damage if it damages adhesion. Although some small issues can be addressed by oneself, such sealing enclosures or repairing adhesion, the majority of problems require professional assistance.

Poor quality shower head

A bad showering experience will make it difficult to enjoy a relaxing showering experience. You can't have a better showering experience than this. If you're determined to improve your showering experience, you can't do better than to buy a new head for your showerhead.

Additional effects, such rain or mist, can be added. You can see a dramatic improvement in your shower head, which makes it worth the investment.

Too low water pressure

The most attractive and well-equipped shower units can lose some or all of their appeal if your water pressure drops too low. If the shower does not have enough power to spray water at you, or is more like a drizzle in the rain, it is not worth the money.

Shower units

A new pump will improve your showering experience by raising the water pressure sufficiently.

Bad drainage

If the drain system connected to the showering machine is not draining properly, it could cause water not to drain away. If this happens, you will quickly find yourself in a pool. It is possible to get into a pool of water on a shower enclosure floor that's not draining.

shower enclosure

Water that doesn’t drain well for long periods of time can lead to other problems. These types of environments are favored by mould, and certain species of bacteria thrive there.

Maintaining your home is key to getting rid of drainage issues. You can start by cleaning the drainage pipes and making sure they are clean. If there is an existing blockage that is not easy to clean, then buying a drainage system replacement might be the best option.

Poor ventilation

Poor drainage can also lead to mold growth. Mould is quite easy to treat, but it can be unsightly. Poor ventilation will only make it worse. If your bathroom doesn't have ventilation, then perhaps it has a window. At the very least, an extractor fan should be considered.

The extractor fans should always be turned on before you begin showering or when the bathroom is likely to get hot. They should also be turned off once the steam has subsided. Some new systems offer automatic iris' and/or timers to make it easier.

Bad shower experiences are most often caused by poor hygiene

Even though it sounds strange, bad shower experiences can happen.   Showers can be unpleasant and you may have experienced one before. Howev...